Monday, April 9, 2012

Bishop 4th Job Advancement - Griffey

So..I haven't been posting a lot lately cause I've been training my priest to 120. c:
Omfg dkfjhdsf the 4th Job Advancement test. LOL. :b
This is only half way..still needa kill Manon. -___-;;
It's like fking impossible for a priest to do 4th Job Advancement.

Tips (for a priest going into 4th Job Advancement) : Bring a lot of flipping pots, don't re-buff (cause it'll take too long), just use magic guard (well I would use it), just keep your eyes on your hp and mp, and most importantly CONCENTRATE AND DON'T DIE. HAVE FUN.

I died like 10 times and used like 92834783498 pots. Again, have fun. c;
Kbye gotta murder that flipping Manon now.

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